Research Committee
Research is a multi-facet task to be conducted by researchers and faculty of different levels and require inputs and encouragement from all. Various encouragement policies have been framed and implemented in order to provide impetus to research activities such as interdisciplinary research projects and their ethical approvals, sprouting of new research ideas with improved quality (novelty, impact on society), publications, conference proceedings, awareness of intellectual property, plagiarism check, etc.
To have all the possible ways to foster such activities in all six institutes, Institution has constituted various committees with respective objectives and tasks, as follows:
- Research Advisory Board (RAB)
- Constituent Institute Research Committee (CIRC)
- Research Grant ,Consultancy and Collaboration Committee
- Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Institution Ethics Committee
- Human Research Review Panel (HRRP) and its objectives
- Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Institution Animal Ethics Committee (SVIAEC)
- Intellectual Property Right (IPR)Committee
- Academic Integrity Panels (AIP)
- Publication Guideline Committee
1. Research Advisory Board (RAB):
- The main objective of RAB is development and planning for new research policies through Research Cell, with consideration of existing policies.
- Regular guidance and suggestions for development of suitable mechanism for smooth implementation of research activities.
- Guidance to Research Cell for upgrading new research avenues for high end interdisciplinary research projects.
Research Advisory board is constituted with 8-10 internal as well as eminent external experts members. Vice chancellor of SVDU shall be the Chairman and Director Research shall be the member secretary of this board.
2. Constituent Institute Research Committee (CIRC):
CIRC has been constituted in each institute which is chaired by the head of the respective institute while HoDs / nominated faculty are members of the committee, with the objectives of-
- Receiving all research related feedback from the departments of their institute and communicate them to Research Cell.
- It provides the platform to each faculty to share all his/her views and suggestions (related to research).
- All IRCs are scheduled to conduct their meeting on quarterly basis and shall communicate the minutes to Research Cell.
Composition of Institutional Research Committee (CIRC) of all six institutes:
- Institutional Research Committee consists of One Chairperson, One member Secretary and other selected member(s).
- Head of each institute will be the Chairperson of respective institution‘s Institutional Research Committee. Member Secretary and other Member(s) will be selected by the Chairperson of IRR.
3. Research Grant, Consultancy and Collaboration Committee:
To provide directions and guidelines for SV funded research proposals and their financial support and other financial matters such as budget and research incentives
Composition of Research Grant & Funding Committee
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1 | Vice Chancellor | Chairperson |
2 | Director, Research Cell | Member |
3 | Dy. Director, Research Cell | Member |
4 | Registrar | Member |
5 | Chief Finance Officer | Member |
6 | Member | Member Secretary |
4. Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Institutional Ethics Committee (SVIEC):
- To evaluate all research proposals received from students and staff of respected institution.
- To discuss about methods and ethical aspects of research proposal under SVIEC guidelines.
- SVIEC classify the research projects under minimal risk and higher risk on ethical aspect of the subjects.
Composition of SVIEC
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1 | Chairperson | Chairperson Outside the Institute |
2 | Basic Medical Scientist | Member |
3 | Clinician | Member |
4 | Legal Expert | Member |
5 | Social Scientist | Member |
6 | Lay Person from Community | Member |
7 | Member | Member Secretary |
5. Human Research Review Panel (HRRP) and its objectives:
- To help the researchers to understand the ethical aspects of the research at institutional level
- To receive the research proposal from the researchers of the respective institute and communicate them to SVIEC when needed
- To collect regular ethical reports of ongoing project & a completion report form researcher and submit the same to SVIEC for the update
- HRRP Constitution: HRRP consists of One Chairperson, One Coordinator and other nominated member(s).
- Head of each institute will be the Chairperson of respective institution‘s HRRP. Coordinator and other Member(s) will be selected by the Chairperson of HRRP.
6. Sumandeep Vidyapeeth Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (SVIAEC):
IAEC has been constituted under the purview of Department of Pharmacology, SBKSMI & RC, SVDU, with the objectives of-
- To review and approve all type of research proposals involving small animal experimentation before the initiating the study. In case of research involved higher animals, the IAEC will forward its recommendation to the CPCSEA, New Delhi, for its approval
- To ensure that animal are not subjected to unnecessary pain or suffering before, during and after the performance of experiments on them
To monitor the research throughout the study and after completion of the study through periodic reports and visit to animal house and laboratory where experiments are conducted.
IAEC will also participate in –
- Monitor and inspect the housing of animals of breeders/establishments to ensure that it is as per specified standards,
Regulate experiments on animals as per stipulated conditions and standards, - Ensure that animals which in course of the experiments are so injured that their recovery would involve serious sufferings are euthanized as per specified norms,
- Ensure the minimum exploration of animals for experiments, wherever possible IAEC also propagate the principles of 3R‘, i.e. Reduce, Refine & Replace the use of animals in experiments,
- Ensure that experiments on larger animals are avoided when it is possible to achieve the same results by experiments upon small animals like guinea-pigs, rabbits, mice, rats etc.,
- Ensure that required records are maintained with respect to experiments performed on animals,
- Ensure that as far as possible experiments are not performed merely for the purpose of acquiring manual skill,
- Ensure that animals intended for the performance of experiments are properly looked after both before and after experiments.
Composition of SVIAEC
Sr.No. | Designation | Position |
1 | Chairman | Chairman Head of the Institute |
2 | Main Nominee of CPCSEA | Main Nominee of CPCSEA |
3 | Link Nominee of CPCSEA | Link Nominee of CPCSEA |
4 | Scientist from outside the Institute | Member |
5 | Non Scientific socially aware member | Member |
6 | Biological Scientist | Member |
7 | Scientist | Member |
8 | Veterinary Doctor | Member |
9 | Scientist in-charge of animal facility | Member Secretary |
7. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Committee:
- To catalyzes awareness about the rights of intellectual property (IP) owners and regulates through by-laws or otherwise by the professional practice, etiquette, conduct and discipline of the Members.
- To govern the handling of inventions, copyright works, and other intellectual property made by individuals involved in educational, research, clinical and other activities of Hospitals and other constituent Institutes.
- To promote development of infrastructural facilities for registration of intellectual property by facilitating the improvement of legal, institutional and administrative framework.
Composition of IPR Committee
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1 | Director Research | Chairperson |
2 | Deputy Director Research | Member |
3 | Professor, SVDU | 2-3 Members |
4 | Senior Faculty, SVDU | Member Secretary |
8. Academic Integrity Panel (AIP):
8.1 Institutional Academic Integrity Panel (IAIP)
- The IAIP shall follow the principles of natural justice while deciding about the allegations of plagiarism against the student, faculty, researcher and staff member.
- The IAIP shall have the power to assess the level of plagiarism and recommend penalty accordingly.
- The IAIP after investigation shall submit its report with the recommendation on penalties to be imposed to the SVAIP within a period of 45 days from the date of receipt of complaint/initiation of the proceedings.
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1 | Dean, SBKSMI & RC, SVDU | Chairman |
2 | Professor, SBKSMI & RC, SVDU | Member |
3 | Professor, KMSDCH, SVDU | Member |
IAIP of KM Shah Dental College and Hospital
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1 | Dean, KMSDCH,SVDU | Chairman |
2 | Director, DoM, SVDU | Member |
3 | Professor, KMSDCH, SVDU | Member |
IAIP of the Department of Pharmacy
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1. | Principal, DoP, SVDU | Chairman |
2. | Professor, DOM, SVDU | Member |
3. | Asst. Professor, DoP, SVDU | Member |
IAIP of Department of Management
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1. | Principal, DoM, SVDU | Chairman |
2. | Professor, SBKSMI & RC, SVDU | Member |
3. | Asst. Professor, DoM, SVDU | Member |
IAIP of Sumandeep Nursing College
Sr. No. | Designation | Position |
1. | Principal, SNG, SVDU | Chairman |
2. | Asst. Professor, DoM, SVDU | Member |
3. | Associate Professor, SNG, SVDU | Member |
IAIP of College of Physiotherapy
Sr. No. | Institute | Position |
1. | Principal, CoP, SVDU | Chairman |
2. | Professor, SBKSMI & RC,SVDU | Member |
3. | Associate Professor, CoP, SVDU | Member |
8.2 SV Academic Integrity Panel (SVAIP)
Function: To resolve the allegation of plagiarism issue on the report of the Institutional academic Integrity Panel.
Composition of SV Academic Integrity Panel
Sr. No. | Institute | Position |
1 | Dean/Senior Academician of SVDU | Chairman |
2 | Senior Academician other than Chairman, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. | Member |
3 | one member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor form outside the Sumandeep Vidyapeeth | Member |
4 | A person well versed with anti-plagiarism to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. | Member Secretary |
9. Publication Guideline Committee:
Function: To resolve any misconduct in the research work/Book/Book chapter Publications
Sr. No. | Institute | Position |
1 | Director Research | Chairman |
2 | Professor from SBKSMI & RC,SVDU | Two Members |
3 | Professor from KMSDCH,SVDU | Two Members |
4 | Professor from DoP, SVDU | Two members |
5 | Professor from CoP, SVDU | Two members |
6 | Professor from SNC, SVDU | Two members |
7 | Dy. Registrar, Academics | Member secretary |